The barrels are inscribed with ' W W Greener 68 haymarket london & St. Just what is an F4 grade? The serial number is 48914. The gun is a 12 gauge W W Greener non ejector shotgun in F4 grade.
Any way now I have joined up I would be very grateful for any information and light on my questions regarding the W W Greener 12 gauge shotgun detailed below. I have tried to read as many topics as I can on this forum to try and learn but frankly while all of it has been absorbing quite a bit of it is beyond me. Mossberg did not put serial numbers on most long guns until 1968 (GCA 1968 required them). Griffin & Howe Serial Number Ranges 1930-1967 Greener, WW. That was largely because I really have not enough knowledge about shotguns to contribute but only a wealth of questions. This is my first post although I have been a spider on the wall for some time. A very warm hello from north of the Bay of Bengal.